Our Team as Resources
Podcasts and TED Talks
"Leadership isn't about fear or expectations, but the bravery to make bold decisions and adapt to uncertainties. The key attribute a leader needs is willingness—the willingness to learn, adapt, and grow with their team. Remember, failure shouldn't be a stigma; rather, it's an opportunity for refinement and evolution of your leadership style. By embracing these principles, leaders can effectively navigate leadership complexities, fostering a growth-oriented, productive, and inspirational work environment."
"We all have access to a power we seldom allow ourselves to tap into: unstructured time – time when you release your brain from your usual agendas, tasks, and active problem solving and, instead, invite your mind to wander outward and inward, where you synthesize your thoughts, feelings and imagine the future."
Leadership Blogs
Assessments, Resources, and Tools
Amy's Top Picks:
Assessment: CliftonStrengths
Leader Book: Presence
Coaching Tool: Building Your Leader Story
Greg's Top Picks:
Leader Book: Horton Hears a Who
Coaching Tool: Active Listening and Reflection through Poetry
Cindy's Top Picks:
Assessment: CliftonStrengths
Leader Book:Leading with Questions
Coaching Tool: STRIDE Map
Gye's Top Picks:
Assessment: DiSC
Leader Book:Leadership and Self Deception
Coaching Tool: A good coaching session for a tough decision and just talk it through.
Kirsti's Top Picks: Coming Soon
Leader Book:
Coaching Tool:
Robin's Top Picks:
Assessment: VIA
​Leader Book: What Got You Here Won't Get You There
Coaching Tool: Clarity Quadrant